Insight Grants

2014 PEP Will Fund Down The Slate

We received confirmation today from the US ED PEP Program Manager, Carlette KyserPegram, that the Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) will fund down the slate in 2014, rather than holding a new competition. This means new PEP awardees will be selected in 2014 from 2013 applicants who scored highly but not quite highly enough to win an award in 2013.

Ms. KyserPegram also shared the following important information, “In terms of FY 2015, generally, we can’t be certain of the status of this program until we have a final, Federal budget in place as these grant funds are appropriated by Congress.  ED does maintain a Grants Forecast page on our agency’s website ( ) where anticipated grant opportunities are announced. As such, we recommend they check ED’s  forecast page periodically for updates to this and other future grant program opportunities.

Additionally, if you  would like weekly e-mail updates related to the work of OSHS, as well as other information related to school safety, substance abuse and violence prevention in education, and the promotion of student health and well-being, they may be interested in subscribing to the OSHS PREVENTION NEWS BULLETIN.  We also highlight other federal funding opportunities related to these topics, including grant competitions, in our office and in other federal agencies.  We will provide information on upcoming OSHS grant competitions in this news bulletin. Subscription information is available online at: .”


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  1. […] to learn they’ll have to wait until at least next year before that can happen, now that we know PEP will fund down the slate rather than accepting new applications for 2014 […]

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