Insight Grants

Clarifications on the Project Prevent Grant

The RFP for the new US Department of Education Project Prevent grant can be found at All Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) interested in applying should begin working on their applications using the RFP ASAP!

Additionally, we have heard back from the Program Manager, Earl Myers, Jr. From our emails with Mr. Myers, we’ve confirmed:

  • The award range of $250,000-$1,000,000 is per year.
  • The anticipated average award is $487,500 per year.
  • School safety personnel (like School Resource Officers) and school safety equipment (like new doors, locks, security cameras, etc.) are NOT allowable expenses under this program.
  • Awards are anticipated by the end of September.
  • Applicants should tentatively plan for a project start date of 10/1/2014.
  • LEAs may apply as consortia if they wish to with one LEA serving as the lead applicant and all participating LEAs complying with all program rules, requirements, and data collection. Mr. Myers reminds us of the following important requirements for consortia applicants, “Under EDGAR 75.127, eligible entities may apply as a group (consortium) with one LEA serving as the lead.  However, each member of the group must follow the legal provisions found in EDGAR 75.129 relevant to how to do so.  These provisions include:

‘75.129 Legal responsibilities of each member of the group.

(a) If the Secretary makes a grant to a group of eligible applicants, the applicant for the group is the grantee and is legally responsible for: (1) The use of all grant funds; (2) Ensuring that the project is carried out by the group in accordance with Federal requirements; and  (3) Ensuring that indirect cost funds are determined as required under §75.564(e).

(b) Each member of the group is legally responsible to: (1) Carry out the activities it agrees to perform; and (2) Use the funds that it receives under the agreement in accordance with Federal requirements that apply to the grant.'”


Good luck to all applying!


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Insight Grants