Insight Grants

Sharing Great Ideas in Action (NY)! Insight Sponsored Mini-Grants

Insight Grants Development has been proud to work with many NY schools to obtain funding and evaluate successes for AWESOME physical activity and healthy eating projects since 2006! We know that there are many schools out there who are doing terrific work – with and without outside funding. We know that funding sources are limited, and sustainability is always a critical challenge. In 2015, we’d like to play a part in helping spread the word about cost-effective strategies and activities that are working in NY schools.

Please join us in submitting your best projects and activities!

  • Submitted projects and activities will be featured on our blog this Fall.
  • The top 3 will receive awards of $200 each to continue making or sustaining improvements at their schools!

Interested in participating? Email a submission of no more than 2 single-spaced pages (font size 11+) that includes the information below to by July 1, 2015!

1. Full name, address, phone number for the school, and grades served. (Up to two submissions may be sent for an individual school.)

2. Full name, title, phone number, and email address of the individual sending the submission (Teachers, principals, other school staff, parents, and coaches are all eligible to participate!)

3. Full name, phone number, and email address of the school principal and assurance the principal has been made aware of the submission.

4.   An explanation of the strategy, activity, or program you have participated in putting in place to increase physical activity and/or healthy eating at your school. Up to three strategies/activities/ programs may be included in each submission. Be sure to include for each:

a.    Name of the strategy/activity/program and date of initial implementation
b.    Whether it promotes physical activity, healthy eating, or both
c.    How it works
d.    When it is offered
e.    Who uses the strategy/activity/program (ex: PE teachers, classroom teachers, cafeteria aides, etc.) and for which participating audiences (ex: students, staff, families, etc.)
f.    Your role in putting the strategy/activity/program in place
g.    Who partnered with you to put the strategy/activity/program in place and how
h.    Why you chose to do this. Be clear about the challenges or problems at your school that needed to be addressed. If you looked at data to determine your need for the strategy/activity/program, please share that.
i.    Results you’ve seen since implementing the strategy/program/activity (IMPORTANT)
j.    If outside funding was needed, how much was received, when, and from which funder
k.    Your plans for sustainability, including any ongoing funding, equipment, training, and/or staffing needs in order to sustain these efforts and their impact

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Insight Grants